📕 subnode [[@kerry-tries-fed-wiki/inventing governing]] in 📚 node [[inventing-governing]]

In place of Designing Government

digraph { compound=true layout=dot rankdir=LR


node [style=filled shape=circle cfontcolor=black]
label="\n\nCOMMON SENSE: Design of Government vs. Emergence of Governing\n(each thing above is an ecosystem, including the whole set."

1 [label="Particular\nPeople\n(civil\nsociety" color=purple fontcolor=white] 2 [label="Particular\nPlace &\n Time" color=green fontcolor=white] 3 [label="Particular\nSituation" color=green3] 4 [label="Particular\nDecisions\n(choices" color=paleturquoise1] 5 [label="Particular\nConversations\n(politics" color=paleturquoise1] 6 [label="Particular\nPatterns\nof\ndecision-\nmaking\n(laws, norms" color=paleturquoise1] 7 [label="Particular\nGovernment\n(a living\n pattern\nlanguage" color=orange] 8 [label=Business color=blue fontcolor=white] 9 [label="Becomes\npreditory" color=red fontcolor=white] 10 [label="Becoming\nethical" color=yellow]

1 -> 4 [label=make] 1 -> 2 [label="care for"] 2 -> 1 [label="is homeland"] 1 -> 3 [label=create] 2 -> 3 [label=create] 3 -> 1 [label=create] 1 -> 5 [label="participate in"] 5 -> 4 [label=inform] 3 -> 4 [label="constrains & supports"] 2 -> 4 [label="constrains & supports"]

4 -> 6 [label="recognized as"] 6 -> 7 [label="formalized into"] 1 ->6 [label=recognize] 1 -> 7 [label="invent, organize, participate " color=purple penwidth=3 fontcolor=purple] 1 -> 8 [label="invent, organize, participate " color=purple penwidth=3 fontcolor=purple] 1 -> 1 [label="invent, organize, participate" color=purple penwidth=3 fontcolor=purple] 8 -> 7 [label=influences color=blue penwidth=3] 1 -> 9 [label=unconstrained color=red penwidth=3 fontcolor=red] 8 -> 9 [label=unconstrained color=red penwidth=3 fontcolor=red] 7 -> 9 [label=unconstrained color=red penwidth=3 fontcolor=red] 7 -> 1 [label="constrains & supports" style=dotted penwidth=3 color=orange penwidth=10] 7 -> 8 [label="should constrain & support" style=dotted penwidth=9 color=orange] 1 -> 10 [label="should, must, will?" color=purple penwidth=3] 8 -> 10 [label="should, must, will?" color=blue penwidth=3] 7 -> 10 [label="should, must, will?" color=orange penwidth=3] 10 -> 1 [label="constrains & inspires" style=dotted penwidth=10 color=yellow] 10 -> 7 [label="constrains & inspires" style=dotted penwidth=10 color=yellow] 10 -> 8 [label="constrains & inspires" style=dotted penwidth=10 color=yellow]


Perhaps with different conceptions of governing (decision making) we can do less force fitting of people to structures and more design of conversational and decision making structures to fit people—particular people, in particular places, and particular situations.

This fitting of structures to particularities of decisions is what Ostrom termed polycentric governance. We should every day ask which group or coalition of groups is capable of crafting the best approach to every problem. We must stop dropping problems into incapable slots in fossilized governments. Design government daily to fit the problems at hand base upon the needs of all stakeholders. Change language from "government" into "governing".

digraph { compound=true layout=dot rankdir=LR overlap=false concentrate=true bgcolor=lightblue penwidth=3 splines="true" node [style=filled shape=circle cfontcolor=black]

1 [label="System 1" color=purple fontcolor=white] 2 [label="System 2" ] 3 [label="System 3" ] 4 [label="System 4" color=blue fontcolor=white] 5 [label="System 5" ] 6 [label="Local\nEnvironment" color=green fontcolor=white] 7 [label="Distant\nEnvironment" color=green fontcolor=white] 8 [label="System 3*" ]

9 [label="Becomes\npreditory" color=red fontcolor=white]

10 [label="Becoming\nethical" color=yellow]

subgraph cluster1 {6 7}

subgraph cluster1 {1 2 3 4 5 8} 4 -> 7 7 -> 4 [color=red penwidth=3] 1 -> 6 [color=red penwidth=3] 6 -> 1 1 -> 2 2 -> 1 1 -> 3 2 -> 3 3 -> 1 3 -> 2 3 -> 4 4 -> 3 3 -> 8 8 -> 3 4 -> 5 5 -> 4 5 -> 3 8 -> 1 1 -> 8



Buckminster Fuller quote on creating a new system.... ?Why is this necessary? Ideas...what drives fossilization:- Size Hierarchies Habits Command and Control - Processes - Compliance culture (vs learning culture) Multiple strong reinforcing loops "Use it or lose it" - if we don't constantly change we become unable to change. Loss of agility. "Machine" model for the system

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